going gramless campaign
Going Gramless is a social media awareness campaign that sheds light on the addictive quality of social media. The campaign encourages people to trade their Instagram accounts for disposable cameras for 30 days. This allows them to capture a reality without any filters, photo alterations, or validation from online followers. From concept, to research, and visual identity, this project showcases a wide range of design across all platforms.
Visual Identity Design
What’s it all about?
The icon is meant to look similar to the current Instagram logo, but with a cool-toned palette and a slash going through the center of the logo. It “crosses out” the Instagram logo while serving as a “G.”
“Picture Your Life Without It” takes on two meanings in this campaign. First, it encourages readers to envision how their life would improve without Instagram. It also means to literally take photos of your life without the burden of posting.
pop-up shop
In addition to the graphic design elements, I created a three dimensional pop-up to get a better look at the space. This pop-up would be located in malls across the country and is the touchpoint for the public to interact with the campaign with a vending machine to encourage people to stop in and learn more.