Going Gramless Campaign Case Study

Brand Identity

Going Gramless is a social media awareness campaign that sheds light on the harmfully addictive virtual reality, social media. The campaign encourages people to trade their Instagram accounts for disposable cameras for 30 days. This allows them to capture a reality without any filters, photo alterations, or validation from online followers. People rely on Instagram for documentation and connection, but this feeds the social media corporations your personal data. The goal is to get people offline for a month to rediscover how fulfilling life is without the weight of Instagram. 

First, I researched to determine which social media platform to focus on. Instagram is the second largest platform with over a billion users and millions of posts made daily. For my target market, I chose Instagram consumers who use the platform daily. It has many benefits such as connection and useful business tools. Some users can even make a living from it. Unfortunately, it also distracts users from reality, exposes them to thousands of outside opinions, and promotes a validation-based culture of negative self-worth. I had to come up with a way to inspire people to delete the app for 30 days.

The full logo lockup with logotype, the icon, and the tagline are displayed here. Each element is also used individually throughout the campaign assets.

The icon is meant to look similar to the current Instagram logo, but with some striking differences. The cool-toned palette is the inverse of Instagram’s current warm tones while remaining classic and intriguing. The shape of the slash going through the center of the logo is a divergent element that “crosses out” the Instagram logo. This shape also serves as a “G” to relate back to the naming. The logotype has been adjusted to mimic this slash shape, as all the “G’s” carry this attribute.

“Picture Your Life Without It” takes on two meanings in this campaign. First, it encourages readers to envision how their life would improve without Instagram. It also means to literally take photos, pictures, of your life without the burden of Instagram.

To design social media content for a campaign promoting the deletion of social media, I took a sarcastic approach to point out the reality hidden behind posts. To counter a platform infiltrated by influencers, Insta-famous celebrities, and fake news, the goal is to ground our audience by validating their reality.

We continue the sarcastic undertone with the unisex merchandise design. This message states that one’s real personality and experiences outweigh the false truths people post about online.

In addition to the graphic design elements, I created a three dimensional pop-up to get a better look at the space. This pop-up would be located in malls across the country and is the touchpoint for the public to interact with the campaign. A vending machine would be an attention grabbing device that would encourage people to stop in and learn more.


Halloween Typography


Broken Yolk Cafe